28 januari 2010

Har vart ganska oproduktiv dag.. Men nu har jag suttit med lite bilder till pingst.se från in underbara kyrka Gilead!! Ska äta mat och masa mig till jutsuträningen sen :)


Lever, fotar, tränar.

En hel del på gång nu. Visdomstanden är ute och värken börjar släppa. En vecka sedan jag tog ut den idag. Har gått på smärtstillande hela tiden men försöker vänja av mig nu. Det gör ont, men kanske bara är för att jag lurar mig själv..

På torsdag nästa vecka ska jag flyga till Umeå och sedan ta bussen till Robertsfors där jag ska stå med Elin Ling från teamet i en monter för Testa Mission (min bibelskola) på deras ungdomskonferens; Mission Possible. Jag har gjort förslaget till vår roll-up, såhär ser den ut :)
Har bestämt mig för att lägga bort alla känslor jag har som är starkare än vänskap för en kille som är en god vän. Han vet om det också så det känns bra. Men jag tror hursomhelst jag skulle må mycket bättre av att inte känna mig bunden i onödiga känslor just nu. Gud får ta hand om det så blir det bra :)

För tillfället har jag fått Ju-jutsunojja! Jag har tränat minst tre gånger i veckan två och en halv vecka nu och det är så sjukt roligt med justu. På lördag ska jag fota en tävling här i Göteborg åt klubben, min klubb.. Shindo heter den. Supertrevliga människor, jag hoppas jag blir kvar hela terminen för det är sjukt go träning och den passar mig väldigt bra!


21 januari 2010

barely alive

Jag lever men det är på gränsen. 9 stick i munnen och en tand mindre. Ingen sömn och 600 mg smärtstillande.

Pillat lite med en bild från Sticky Fingers när Causing Chaos deltog i BanditRock... Lave på bilden, sjukt go gitarrist!

20 januari 2010

Har den senaste veckan haft ett litet trassel på känslorna. Nu har de rätats ut igen och Gud har åter tagit den plats Han bör ha i mitt liv. Jag skrev hursomhelst en dikt till Gud. Min fader som regerar med en rättvis hand.

"låt mitt hjärta slå i takt med ditt
dina andetag kan bli mina
hjälp mig se med dina ögon
dela den skönhet du ser i mig

en kärlek större än döden
förevigt blev den din seger
genom kraft och hjärtats längtan
finns nu vägen öppen för mig

en plats hos världens fader sparad
en famn där värme, ömhet och ovillkorlig kärlek har sin boning
en ständigt ihärdigt knackande hand mot mitt hjärtas dörr
även i stunder av svaghet slår kärleken lika starkt som förr

Han som aldrig ger upp och alltid ser till hjärtat
Han som aldrig lämnat när det som värst har smärtat
Han som aldrig brytt sig om den sönderskrapade ytan av mig
kanske kan Han älska mig mer än nån annan kan, alltid."


dead man walking

Imorgon leds man mot avrättning. I en stol.

Inte den elektriska men likväl en stol full av
sprutor, plågor och smärta. Jag ska operera ut en visdomstand.

bye bye

17 januari 2010

amazing sunday @ Gilead!

Pastor Anders Olsson

The great worshipteam

Worshipsinger Daniela

Sunday! Today started with an amazing meeting in church and afterwards Mirey, Daniel and I cooked dinner together and watched 'Friends'. 
The evening ended up in a meeting with my old friend Filip, cards and 'Friends'. 
Now Filip's not here and I'm all alone with wonderful 'Friends'. Pictures from my church where I work, Gilead

Today I am in all this pain from the workout yesterday, i wonder how it'll be tomorrow when it's time for some more jujutsu, hey! Maverick is coming too!


16 januari 2010

jujutsu like forever.

Tränade Jujustu för fjärde gången idag. Jag trivs verkligen otroligt bra med den här sporten. Körde till och med ett dubbelpass från 12.30 till 15.00 så jag är helt fullkomligt slut i armarna. Vi får se hur det går att spela biljard med alla grabbar jag måste vara bättre än ikväll på biljardpalatset, kommer inte ens kunna lyfta kön, och lyckas jag mot alla odds få upp den på bordet lär jag kollapsa där!

Har också vart nere i Gileads Second Hand butik idag och fotat lite.

Livet är ganska lätt just nu med nya grejer som händer och massa nya vänner. Vi hade ett otroligt bra ungdomsmöte igår kväll, det bästa vi haft hittills sen vi började som ledare i september tycker jag! Otroligt bra, Mie Åkesson säger jag bara. Vilken predikant.


14 januari 2010

13 januari 2010

beskrivning av en tonåring

"På flera sätt kan man uppleva sig vara en främling inför sig själv. Perioder av känslomässigt lugn avbryts av perioder när man är inåtvänd, grubblande, nästan sorgset depressiv för att i andra tider vara fylld av utåtriktad aktivitet"
- Esbjörn Hagberg "själavård vid köksbordet" s. 29

så känner jag ofta.

11 januari 2010

laid back

last night I fell asleep in my incredibly wonderful bed with music from a spotifylist of calm, happy songs. I also wake up to this music and I just really loved it! But I decided that i couldn't stay in bed all day ever though it were a tempting thought. I needed to go get som kind of weapon for the upcoming snowball fight on thursday, and now i've got it, my opponant can consider himself beaten, mwoahaha!

This is a part of my great weapon;my new shirt!
Now I'm going to meet up with AnnSofie, Mirey and Daniel for Jujutsupraktice! Now we're gonna kickass!


Disney on ice, me in tears

Today I went to Gothenburg and Disney on Ice with my mother Berith, my two sisters Ulrika and Karin, thier four kids, Simon, Lucas, Jenny and Isak. I also brought my snowboard <3 with me so now I'm prepared for the skiing-camp in February!

It was a beautiful show and when the incredibly good iceskaters danced The Lionking-story I actually cried! It was just very beautiful, I loved it, lots of childhoodmemories awakening.. The smallest one of my nephews, Simon, were tired and almost fell asleep during the show, so sweet!

Later this evening I draged my friend Daniel tho the movietheatre and watched "Have you herd about the Morgans?", and I can honestly say, I laughed from my whole heart at Hugh Grants fantastic brittish comic lines, it was just reaaally that great :)

Upcoming week I'm going to go iceskate with my honeybun Mie, see Sherlock Holmes with Mav, and there is also a snowballfight! I will win, if I can just figure out a way to trick this tricky Maverick.. hmm..


08 januari 2010

Top Gun

Last night I had the wonderful company of the kebabman. We decided to watch Top Gun and he bought me a present =) It was a MIG aircraft (not the exact same as in the movie, this is a MIG-29 Fulcrum, but still), in a small version though, haha. We ate Kebab and laughed the whole evening with this lovely movie, an also some Hip-hip and Björn Gustavsson at Youtube. 
Life right now is great, I keep getting new friends, love school and I just had holidays whitch also were great. I miss my roomie though, she's far away over the oceans.. In America.. The US, without me! Well she'll soon be home with me again ^^

This also were a very exciting day for my cellphone who died and rose from the dead, amen! Violence salves most my problems!

The other day I made this logo for Mie who's my circusfriend :D, her name is Mie.

07 januari 2010

Avatar 3D (again)

Last night was this perfect bubble with great company and the best movie this century; Avatar 3D! So just wanna thank you guys with this lovely picture of us all haha!


06 januari 2010


For the second time I'll be participating in the exhibition "pictures for life" (all profit goes to charity) held by Falköpings Photoclub. It's in Falköping with visage saturday 9th at 10-13. I won't be able to go there but you guys are most welcome to see two of my Kenya-pictures in A2-fromat. The exhibition is open from January 10th to 19th.

(And please, try to ignore the most repulsive poster you've ever seen.)


05 januari 2010

Leaving white wonderland

My last task at the newspaper were to shute pictures of SAAB's now that they're selling. Here's the results. All pictures except for the first one was published in todays newspaper.

Sometime it hits me maybe I could actually work as a press photographer.. These pictures together with the two from the asian restaurant Ming (below) in Falköping I'm really proud of.

The Asian restaurant witch's for sale; MING. This is Patrik Wong

So I went back to my new home in Gothenburg couple of hours ago. I love this town I really do, but it's just not the same feeling around christmas here and in Falköping. You know, the streets barely have any snow and it's all just slippery and icy. At home, he have about 20 centimeter snow and white on the streets. Driving mom's car is a life-threatening task every time. So exiting.

But well, now here I am in the slippery icetown. Tonight I'll stop by at Mie Åkesson to play some games and maybe I'll hang with Gustav later. This seems to becoming a great night. Love you guys.


04 januari 2010

iceskate and Herman the dog.

Today at work I went to Hornborgasjön to take some pictures of people who were iceskating and then I met this beautiful dog. Herman, the dog.


tired badass

goooooood mooorning vieeetnaaaam! bah, up my ass. I am not that morningperson and it's still before eight in the morning! I'm about to crash work at the newspaper.. I'm not so sure about the producing from my side tough, well see about that. I'm a tired badass, and a kickass photographer.

This picture is from when we took the christmaspig off of the owenplate or however you'd say that.

So what are you guys going to do today? Please give me inspiration! 


03 januari 2010

Make me makeup

Last night I had this gorgeous girl over at my place, we watched Twilight with chips, chocolate and candy (the famous tripple-c). We chrashed about.. late.

I was in Gilead this morning for worship. Though I really missed someone in the crowd, but besides that it was really nice to be back, I've missed them all.

In the afternoon I met up with my friend Evelina Axelsson from Falköping and we went on a free learn-how-to-do-your-makeup-thing at The Studio. It was fun and I accually learned some things. Me, the biggest hater of makeup (in my OWN face), is transformed.. And I know it can look natural.. Only better that complete natural so I guess I've gotta give this a try..!

Now I'm alone in my and Sandra's appartment.. That other little blondie-doll is in the States! And I am not there with her!? WHY! So it's kind of lonely aroiund here. Going to catch the train tonight to go back home and work at the local newspaper tomorrow.

I really miss you my Sunday!


02 januari 2010

Chillin' and workin'

Today I had this totally relaxed day in front of my computer streaming movies. love.

I also made something out of my life this evening and edited the pictures of Mössebergs Kurort witch they ordered now when it's all covered in snow! 

In an hour I'm taking the train back to Gotherborg.. Thinking about going to the cinema tonight.. but we'll see.. they're showing a lot of great movies at the moment.


Don't you dare dropping out.

finally I decided not to sit down alone out in the woods for some massdestruction, firebomb-making.. even if it were a really appeeling thought. Instead, I ended up in town with some lovely good old friends. And I really don't regret my not-alone new years eve.

So the first day of the new decennium just ended. So what did I do? I didn't do a shit that's what I did! I guess now's the time to write all about how good last year was and all about my unreachable dreams of 2010. 

But hey, that's not what's behind this slippery curtain 
of mine, that I uphold in front of so many of you guys.

Last year was shit. shit shit shit shit. shit. Ah well, you know there were golden moments, I got some lifelong new friendships and I graduated as a photographer.. Or well, since I'm being so honest at the moment, accually just half the 2009 sucked. 

We could split the word I just described 2009 with; shit. So what do we get? sh - it
sh; the first part of last year is all I try to keep out of my mind and system, "s(c)h let's not talk about this part guys, please".
it; when I summary my year to "common" dudes and dudenesses then this is IT, de last part of the year is what I tell them about. All my great moments in Gothenborg and my amazing church, new friends, my upstarted company.. allt that.

Okay, so some changes again.. Kenya, it's from the "sh"part of last year, but it's accually the greatest adventure of my life. I've longed for Africa since I dated a guy born in Tanzania when I was 16 and this was my biggest dream coming tru. I'll carry my experience with me all my life. forever I'll remember the slums of Africa. Therefor. It shall fit for the "it"-part!

So here's my jolly good hopes of  2010; leaving Sweden. It's is my biggest ambition for this year.

You know how all the media and old peeps keep telling us about how new year equals new start? Well here's the 411 for you!
It's just a bad excuse for putting thing, that you're not done with yet, aside or behind you. Like work through old hurting memories and feelings, meeting you have got to make and conversations that is nessescary for your wellbeing. It's so easy to drop out of all that. But guess what, we're not in school anymore and on life, you can't drop out. Unless you die, and my friend, even though I wondered many times over this, it's accually not the solution of your problems. But well, probably no one had the strength to read this far and caught the message so now I'll just.., finish.

You know. happy new aging and all that.
