Last night I had this gorgeous girl over at my place, we watched Twilight with chips, chocolate and candy (the famous tripple-c). We chrashed about.. late.
I was in Gilead this morning for worship. Though I really missed someone in the crowd, but besides that it was really nice to be back, I've missed them all.
In the afternoon I met up with my friend Evelina Axelsson from Falköping and we went on a free learn-how-to-do-your-makeup-thing at The Studio. It was fun and I accually learned some things. Me, the biggest hater of makeup (in my OWN face), is transformed.. And I know it can look natural.. Only better that complete natural so I guess I've gotta give this a try..!

Now I'm alone in my and Sandra's appartment.. That other little blondie-doll is in the States! And I am not there with her!? WHY! So it's kind of lonely aroiund here. Going to catch the train tonight to go back home and work at the local newspaper tomorrow.

I really miss you my Sunday!
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