Last night I had the wonderful company of the kebabman. We decided to watch Top Gun and he bought me a present =) It was a MIG aircraft (not the exact same as in the movie, this is a MIG-29 Fulcrum, but still), in a small version though, haha. We ate Kebab and laughed the whole evening with this lovely movie, an also some Hip-hip and Björn Gustavsson at Youtube.

Life right now is great, I keep getting new friends, love school and I just had holidays whitch also were great. I miss my roomie though, she's far away over the oceans.. In America.. The US, without me! Well she'll soon be home with me again ^^
This also were a very exciting day for my cellphone who died and rose from the dead, amen! Violence salves most my problems!
The other day I made this logo for Mie who's my circusfriend :D, her name is Mie.

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