My last task at the newspaper were to shute pictures of SAAB's now that they're selling. Here's the results. All pictures except for the first one was published in todays newspaper.

Sometime it hits me maybe I could actually work as a press photographer.. These pictures together with the two from the asian restaurant Ming (below) in Falköping I'm really proud of.
The Asian restaurant witch's for sale; MING. This is Patrik Wong
So I went back to my new home in Gothenburg couple of hours ago. I love this town I really do, but it's just not the same feeling around christmas here and in Falköping. You know, the streets barely have any snow and it's all just slippery and icy. At home, he have about 20 centimeter snow and white on the streets. Driving mom's car is a life-threatening task every time. So exiting.

But well, now here I am in the slippery icetown. Tonight I'll stop by at Mie Åkesson to play some games and maybe I'll hang with Gustav later. This seems to becoming a great night. Love you guys.
Synd, ettan var ju snyggast! Fyran var också riktigt bra.