10 mars 2009

..ett skepp kommer lastat med..

.. Everything that's been missing in my life and everything that under the last four months just passed me by is coming back to me. It's returning in love, happiness, believe and faith. All the things I so desperately need right now. I need to leave the place where I'm at. I need to take time for the believes of my soul. I need to feel loved. I need to feel laughter without the feeling of sadness in the back of my head and on the edge of my heart.

I need to come close to You. I need to be a reflector and a light. If the light inside of me is darkness, then how will I be able to se the right path? The right thing to do and the things I must do to find myself again will all pass me by, if I don't fill my inside with Thy light once again. 

I need you to lead my feet at the path of life. I need to close my eyes and trust you with my life. Again. Please, lead my feet to the fot by Your cross, that's where I need to bow. Once again, my precious heart, let me come close to you and take me in under your wings. Hug me untill my tears is no more, once again. 

These, are the tears of my heart.


1 kommentar:

  1. He's close to you. Make sure yOu are always close to Him. He'll lead You. but I hope you'll recognise His voice. These words are for me too. :) We are under His wings. Let's rejoice in that! (even when I tend to forget it) ;P
